Special clinics available at the Medical Centre

If you would like to book one of these clinics, please contact us on 01689 850012.

Diabetic Clinic

If you suffer from Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes (Type 2) – that is diabetes controlled by diet alone or tablets, you are eligible to attend our Practice Diabetic Clinic. This is run by Nicky Whatley our Practice Nurse and supervised by Dr Peter Barker, who has a special interest in Diabetes. Patients on our Diabetes Register are sent an invitation to attend by the Medical Centre – usually annually. If you wish to check that you are on our Diabetes register please contact Reception. If you have diabetes that requires Insulin you would normally be under hospital follow up although some patients are now being discharged to general practice.

Remember also that FLU vaccination is recommended for all Diabetic patients and is available from September each year. Pneumonia vaccination is also recommended but this is a once-only vaccination in your adult lifetime.

Asthma & Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Clinics

These are run by one of our Practice Nurses – Shirley Edwards. Please feel free to make a appointment with her for a review of your Asthma or COPD. We encourage all asthmatics to see either their GP or our Practice Nurse at least once a year for a review.

Remember also that FLU vaccination is recommended for all Asthmatic patients and is available from September each year.

Travel Clinic

Well Woman/Well Man Clinics

These clinics are run by our Practice Nurses or Health Care Assistants who provide advice about a healthy lifestyle. They may offer a blood pressure check, urine tests and cholesterol tests. For women, cervical smears and breast awareness and for men advice about prostate cancer and testicular self-examination . We also run a special smoking Cessation Clinic to help you give up smoking.

NHS Health Checks

NHS Health Checks are now being offered to eligible patients aged between 40 and 74 with no pre-existing medical conditions. You will be contacted by the Medical Centre to arrange an appointment or feel free to ring and make one yourself.

Sexual Health & Contraception

Please see our dedicated Sexual Health pages