Make an Appointment

Minor illness

Pharmacists can provide a quick response for various conditions such as minor cuts, sprains, aches, colds, headaches, rashes and cystitis. No appointment is necessary. Many Pharmacists have a confidential area and are open till late and on weekends. 

Search for your nearest community pharmacist

Consult with a Nurse

For dressings, vaccinations, blood pressure checks, health reviews, ECGs (Heart tracings), family planning and sexual health advice, ear irrigation, wound management and cervical screening. Our Nurses also provide clinics for Asthma, COPD and Diabetes reviews.

To make an appointment please ring Reception on 01689 850012

Consult with a Doctor

There are several options available to you

Online consulting with your GP using eConsult  

No more waiting on the phone to get a GP appointment! Tell us your problem or question and we’ll get back to you within 1 working day.  Whilst you can access this service at any time the Medical Centre will only respond Mon-Friday so it is NOT appropriate for emergency or urgent problems.

Sometimes it’s helpful to include a photograph for your Doctor to see.  Follow the instructions as you complete the eConsult or view a short video here

To Book a telephone or video consultation

You will always find it much quicker to book a telephone or video consultation than a face to face appointment. Many problems can be solved in this way. If the Doctor then thinks you need to be seen in person a further appointment can be made in a timeframe appropriate to clinical need. Our Reception staff can advise if you are not sure.

To Book a face to face appointment

Online – You can book appointments up to 4 weeks in advance.  This is often the easiest and quickest way. You need to be registered to use this service which is quick and simple.

By Phone – Patients can book appointment up to 4 weeks in advance on 01689 850012

In Person – By visiting the Medical Centre via Reception except between 2 & 2.30 pm daily

Our advice about how to use the Appointments system effectively

We know it is sometimes frustrating trying to make an appointment to see a Doctor. Difficulty trying to get through on the phone, no appointment when you want it! The demand for appointments rises year on year but over the years the NHS GP Service has not been funded to meet this increased demand as Health needs grow. We are doing all we can to help. During August 2020 we are introducing a new telephone system with features that we hope will reduce the frustration and enable you to jump the queue if you require something other than an appointment. You’ll also know where you are in the queue to speak to the Receptionist.

However you can help us and yourself by considering other ways of consulting which are almost always much quicker than seeing a Doctor face to face. 

The COVID experience has told us that many of your problems can be dealt with by a Telephone, Video or On-line consultation without actually seeing your Doctor. Indeed over 90% of consultations were dealt with in this way during the height of the COVID crisis and the feedback we received from Patients was very positive.  It is our intention to continue to provide a substantial number of telephone, video and online consultations and reduce the number of face to face consultations although face to face appointments will of course still be available if needed.

It is also surprisingly easy to get an appointment at weekends with one of the local Extended Access GP Hubs. Although this won’t be with one of the GSGMC doctors (usually) it will be with another local GP who has full access to all your medical records and can prescribe and refer you as normal. 

Who do I see?

Who is the best Healthcare Professional to see for your conditions? Find out here: